LinkedIn strategies for finding a job

LinkedIn is one of the most effective platform in finding a suitable job, but somehow, we don’t know the effective ways of using it to attract recruiters and get more job related InMails and views on profiles. Profile views are important, they can lead to a job interview opportunity while InMails are direct job opportunity sent by recruiters.
If you are looking to get more job-related InMails and views, first you should turn off “looking for job opportunity” feature from the setting, otherwise you will not be getting any.
Following are seven strategies that can increase profile views and job InMails.
Keep your profile updated
Manypeople don’t even update their profiles and expect LinkedIn would help infinding them relevant connections and job. Update your profile with all detailed information about yourself.
Connect with Recruiters
Don’tbe shy to accept recruiters’ request. Connect with them, because when they findcandidates for job, you will be the first to get their InMail because of thepriority. Also, try to connect with recruiters that post relevant jobs onLinkedIn.
Reply to messages
Even sometimes recruiters or industry people try to reach you out by sending messages, sometimes its just to get in touch leading for a future job opportunity. So, don’t ignore them, try to keep it in a good way.
Connect with Industry people
You might think adding unknown people is a bad idea, but its not a social network where you are sharing your personal life, it’s a professional platform where people like to see what you are up to in the industry. You might be getting a good connection who can hire you in their team or refer you. So be aware!
Use LinkedIn premium
LinkedIn premium is free for a month, it gives useful insights and have tools that can help you out in landing your dream job. Try and experience premium version!
Use keywords effectively
Using keywords is one of the most effective ways, I have seen others not using the relevant keywords, the more you use and stay around your keywords in your profile the better will be the chances to connect with the relevant job recruiters. Keywords can be used in any section, skills, summary, job experience, courses etc. This will increase your profile views, search appearance and InMails for your favorite job role.
Stay active
Create and share useful relevant post that you think will reflect your interest, don’t use it as a social media like Facebook. Posting stuff related to what you are looking for in next job could be beneficial as people will see your area of interest and would like to connect with you.
Optimizing your profile by following above strategies can really help anyone in getting more profile reach thus increasing the chances of getting a job, so try it!